Sunday, August 29, 2010

Enola? I Love Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern's "if you could see me now" is totally awesome!!!
the story will cuddle you just like PS:I Love You
 big round applause for her!!!
*clap* *clap*

Kembali kepada niat asal..
Tajuk entry ini sebenarnya telah dipinjam dari idea buku tersebut..
Si hero yg suka mengeja perkataan dari arah aku pun mcm nak terikut2 ja..
sebab bunyinya mcm seronok ja..ngee..hee..hee

Tak silap aku dulu Zarifah suka eja nama dari belakang gak..Ha Asma gak..Kan kan..

Somehow..I'm too glad..very touched....
Those people..Those are very magnificient..
Her words bring me up
She is still the little girl that I knew since we're child
The adorable girl..She's a grown-up now!
Still..the lovely girl to me..and I believe to  everybody who get a chance to meet her..

People say we can't live in memories..but I still cant forget all my memories
I still dreaming..that one day..
When I wake up...
I'll be awake at a place that i adore so much..-my fully residential school;a place that i'll never hope to be a part of it..but now i'm proud to create one of it's stories..even i'm not the main actor of the show..even i'm not playing the main role in the theatre..even i'm not the person who created the victory or what..I just dont's never bother me..It just a feeling of satisfaction..It is the place that let me feel warm-hearted welcomed..It there are no main actor or plays their roles..and everybody is needed in this one is excluded!yes!no one will be forgotten...because..everybody just add spices in our is..sweet..sour..salty..or what...i just dont care!

Angin sampaikan salam rinduku buat mereka...

PS: aku mcm terkurang ajar la..sepatutnya aku kena la bg salam kat Pak cik Guard aku buat bodo ja..haishhh..tak patut la..
Nanti mesti pakcik tu rasa budak ni tak sopan sungguh..hmmm...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Morphology by Madam Parames ;)

In simple term..Kayun's term-according to notes given by Madam Parames :)

Morphology is  the study of word 

Morpheme is the minimal linguistic unit that has meaning or grammatical function

Bound Morpheme is morpheme that can't stand alone and it must be attached to another morpheme

Free morpheme is morpheme that can stand alone

Inflectional Morpheme serves purely grammatical function,never creating a different word but only a different form of the same word
eg: ...happy..happier...happiest

Derivational Morpheme;some morpheme create new words by either changing the meaning
eg: ...happy...unhappy

or a part of speech
eg: ...ripe...ripens

Both inflectional and derivational morphemes are affixes
Affixes is divided into 2 categories

  1. Prefixes is added at the beginning of the word
  2. Suffixes is added at the end of the word

The derivational morphemes are either prefixes or suffixes
The inflectional morphemes are all suffixes consists of
  1. ...s
  2. ...ed
  4. ...en
  5. ...s(plural)
  7. ...est